Set in a distant star system called Tarapor, Charred Axle is a science fiction, miniature table top game that allows players to build custom vehicles, known as ‘Rigs’, to be pitted against each other in a contest of arena combat.
what you need to play
A copy of the Charred Axle Destruction Manual.
Some Charred Axle Miniatures to play with.
A small flat surface such as a coffee table.
Some 4 sided dice.
Tokens and markers.
A measuring device such as a tape or ruler with centimetres.
30-90 minutes of time.
You can find everything you need in the Charred Axle shop. Some things are even free if you would like to try the game before buying - check out the 'RESOURCES' page!
So do you think you've got what it takes to be the next Charred Axle Champion?
You do?
Then we'll see you in the Arenas!